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At Model UN, we strive to provide students with a unique and engaging learning experience that focuses on real-world issues and encourages cooperative conflict resolution. Our programs are designed to improve understanding of the UN and contemporary global issues by providing opportunities to participate in conferences and simulations that imitate the workings of the real UN. Through preparation and engagement in Model UN Conferences, students develop transferable skills and advance a responsibility to be actively involved in global issues, enhancing their understanding of the international system and challenges of gobal diplomacy. 

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Why Model UN?

Enhance Public Speaking and Communication

MUN involves public speaking and debate, helping you improve your speaking and persuasive communication skills.  It also allows you to practice diplomacy, negotiation, and conflict resolution.

Networking and Leadership

Participation in MUN looks impressive in your resume and college applications because it shows leadership skills by advocating for yourself, as well as networking skills by being able to connect with people from different places during conferences. 

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